
TDF Group Corporate Video

TDF Group was established in 1976. Since then, our main goal has been offering the best solutions for the transfer of difficult products. Our great experience and dedication has propelled us into a position of leadership in the manufacturing, distribution and installation of pumping equipment and related flow-control products.

We have a wide range of industrial pumps, carefully selected based on the market’s needs and innovations. Our suppliers are world-class industry leaders, which guarantees quality, reliability and delivery times over all of our products.

At TDF Group we have the objective of offering our customers a comprehensive service, which is why we have technical departments specialized on product types such as Pumping Equipment, Systems, Instrumentation, Mechanical Seals and Industrial Filtration; as well as on specific sectors such as Industry, Food and Pharma, Construction and Mining, Water Treatment and the Marine Industry among others.

TDF Systems, our systems department, specializes in the design, development and installation of skids, offering complete high-quality dosage, transfer, and filtration solutions. At TDF Group we have a skilled Technical Support Service prepared to provide any sort of maintenance, commissioning or installation assistance with the purpose of guaranteeing that the material supplied meets the customers’ expectations. We are the European company that boasts the largest stock in the industry.

We have fully equipped warehouses worldwide, which enables us to perform deliveries with the highest speed and efficiency, endorsed by an ISO 9001 Quality Certification.

We have a greatly experienced, highly qualified staff as a result of our dedication to continued training, which is also available to our clients. The TDF Group team is comprised of over 160 workers worldwide.

Our steady, continued growth has enabled us to become industry leaders across the globe. We manage projects across the 5 continents, and currently have branches located in 10 countries: Spain, France, Portugal, Switzerland, Romania, Poland, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia.

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